Smart bins
Innovation in the service of the environment
With its experience, Baron offers customised solutions for waste management: we want to respond to the new ecological sensitivity with innovation, organisation and effectiveness.
With its experience, Baron offers customised solutions for waste management: we want to respond to the new ecological sensitivity with innovation, organisation and effectiveness.
Guide to separate waste collection;
Activation-deactivation of user profile;
Customised experience;
Geolocation of bins.
Usage monitoring;
Problem diagnostics;
Access history;
Remote programming;;
Bin location.
Device opening:
By means of an identification card;
The ideal system for separate waste collection
The access control systems allow an electromechanical lock called smart lock, which can be applied to all types of bins: waste is delivered by recognising the user through the official GRINUP app, or by using an ID card.
Controlled, safe and smart use of the container thanks to:
Reducing waste and collection costs
Careful and targeted management of waste collection.
CCA Access Control
Control of Waste Delivery
This proposal implements the CCA Access Control technology by adding a volumetric drum to the container that allows volumetric control of the waste delivered.
Reducing waste and collection costs
Careful and targeted waste collection management
Precise tariff, so that each citizen can pay according to the amount of waste they actually produce
CCR Access Control
The innovative web-based platform
for managing Baron’s products…
The management system complements the CCA and CCR systems: it maximises their effectiveness by acting as the “brain” for the devices, optimising monitoring, maintenance and device updating operations.
The platform is able to communicate with management programmes already in use.
The answer to the most frequently asked questions about waste disposal:
If your municipality has joined the programme, the use of GRINUP allows you to accumulate “ECO points” that can be spent on discounts and benefits at participating businesses.
We believe that correct ecological behaviour is more than an obligation: we want to reward users’ efforts, to create healthy and proactive habits in the community as a whole.
Each time a citizen delivers waste to the CCA LOCK or CCR VOLUME devices, GRINUP registers the corresponding points in the user’s profile: he/she can use them at will by showing a QRcode (or alphanumeric code) generated by the app at a participating business, thus accessing the guaranteed benefits.
The archives of “ECO points” associated with a profile can be managed and consulted from the GREEN MANAGER platform, together with the user’s personal details and data on the deliveries made (quantity of waste, frequency of use of the bins).
Scopri le possibilità di finanziamento per il tuo comune o attività
I finanziamenti del MITE (Ministero della Transizione Ecologica) nel PNRR, (Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza) hanno come scopo l’erogazione di contributi a fondo perduto fino al 100% dei costi per interventi volti al miglioramento della raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti urbani.
I fondi preposti a tale progetto ammontano a 600.000.000,00 €:
Le soluzioni Baron, soddisfano i criteri per gli investimenti finanziabili tramite questo progetto, in quanto parte delle seguenti categorie:
Le soluzioni CCA e CCR rientrano negli investimenti idonei per richieste di benefici fiscali di Industria 4.0 (legge 11 dicembre 2016, n. 232, Allegato A).
L’acquisto di nuovi beni strumentali, funzionali alla trasformazione tecnologica dei processi produttivi, è incentivato per le aziende con strutture produttive ubicate nello stato Italiano. (incluse le stabili di soggetti non residenti, gli esercenti arti e professioni e soggetti aderenti al regime forfetario.)
consistono in un credito d’imposta, strutturato secondo quanto segue:
Our team will contact you as soon as possible.